Advertising/Social Media Options

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You are invited to support AfricaGEO 2018 by advertising.

Since each potential advertiser has a different set of objectives, requirements and budget; a variety of advertising and social media posting options have been made available, allowing one to choose that which meets those particular requirements. However should you wish to discuss alternative opportunities please contact the secretariat on

We will ensure our advertisers receive the maximum return on their investment and receive the exposure to which was agreed.

Click here for the Booking Form

Rates include VAT at current rate of 14% and will not be increased 1 April when VAT increases to 15%

Option Available ZAR each
*#^ Social Media Filter with Logo 4 10000
*#^ Social Media Advert (Find this product at AfricaGEO) 4 12000
*# Social Media Advert (Find us at AfricaGEO) 4 12000
* Social Media Sponsored Post 4 15000
Video Interview at conference with relay into refreshment area 3 15000
Product competition with promotion – pre conference with draw at event ( prize to be supplied) 3 20000
VIP Social Media Package includes all * 1 40000
Superior Social Media Package includes all # 2 28000
Standard Social media package includes all ^ 3 18000
Programme – inside front cover 1 15000
Programme – inside back cover 1 15000
Programme – outside back cover 1 20000
Programme – inside pages per A5 advertisement 4 10000
Bag Insert 4 15000
Seat Placement 3 10000
Newsletter Sponsored 4 20000
Cyber Wall Advert – Whole Day 2 60000
Cyber Wall Advert – Half Day 4 45000
Cyber Wall Advert – 90 min 4 25000
All artwork excluded and must be supplied by advertiser


Our advertisers:

Company Advertising
VIP Social Package
Bag Insert