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Current Position: CSP
Title of Talk: The Role of Civil Society Platform (CSP) and National Engagement Strategy in Promoting National Engagement and Application of SDGs, VGGT (Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure, FAO) and the Constitution in the Context of Hybrid Governance Systems in SA
ABSTRACT: New answers and innovation is required to find alternatives to Titling to secure tenure and to create a more equitable access to an important resource – Land. The National Engagement Strategy (NES) is seeking strategic synergies with other players in implementing countrylevel interventions around good land governance guided by the SDGs and VGGTs. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land,
Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGTs) are important global tools for holding those in power responsible and accountable in the context of the global rush for land and natural resources.

Current Position: Capacity Development Expert (Land) – Land and GLTN (Global Land Tool Network) Unit, UN-Habitat
Title of Talk: The Continuum of Land Rights Approach to Tenure Security
ABSTRACT: The continuum of land rights is a concept, metaphor or ‘lens’, for recognizing, understanding and administering the rich complexity of land rights on the ground. Developed by UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), the continuum offers a powerful alternative approach to that of simply focusing on titling of individually held private property. The value of this inclusive approach has been increasingly recognised through key international and national frameworks, resolutions, policies, laws and programmes. A variety of tools and technologies have been developed, tested and implemented by the 78 GLTN partners to support its application. The presentation will describe the continuum of land rights and its potential contribution to the attainment of land-related Sustainable Development Goals and towards the goal of achieving tenure security for all.

Current Position: Geomatics Department, University of Cape Town
Title of Talk: Anticipating the Future Trajectory of the Geomatics Profession and Tertiary-Level Curricula in the Light of Land Reform Imperatives
ABSTRACT: It is acknowledged that the profession and the tertiary institutions supporting it may need to adapt to the challenges posed by land reform in South Africa. The question is: what can we do to be enablers of land reform? This will be a participatory workshop.

Current Position: Phuhlisani NPC
1.) Title of Talk: Repurposing Land Administration Infrastructure and Information Systems to Underpin and Frame Property Rights for All – The South African Case
2.) Title of Talk: Developing Urban Community Land Records in Monwabisi Park, Western Cape

Current Position: FIG and Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Twente University, Netherlands
Title of Talk: The Role of International Agencies in Developing New Tools and Frameworks for Land Governance: FIG and the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM)
Skype Presentation

Current Position: Marketing Executive at PPS Investments
Title of Talk: Economy: Our Socio-Political and Economic Environment
Tandisizwe will do a presentation on the socio-political and economic environment we find ourselves in. He is a stakeholder relations professional and former journalist with 10 years’ experience in the financial services industry.

Current Position: Phuhlisani NPC
Title of Talk: The Centrality of Valid and Reliable Data Infrastructure/s in Repurposing Land Administration
ABSTRACT: With the benefit of hindsight Siyabu Manona argues that land administration should have been the fourth leg of South Africa’s land reform programme. This did not happen, as part of the transition to democracy, because the concept was very little understood. He argues that, even as Johnny-come-lately open, valid and reliable data is the missing link in the project of repurposing land administration, to promote accountability and transparency. Given the transversal nature of land, the function of repurposing should be assigned to a special purpose vehicle.

Current Postion: Acting Deputy Director-General: STATSSA
Title of Talk: The Use of Geospatial Data at Statistics South Africa
ABSTRACT: Statistics South Africa is a national government department responsible for the production and coordination of official and other statistics to assist organ of state, business and the public in evidencebased decision for planning, policy development and measurement governed by Statistics Act No.6 of 1999.
Statistics South Africa adopted a strategy to modernise technology and integrate methods of data collection information by migrating to a digital platform to enhance the statistical value chain (SVC). The Organisational Transition cause the development of Mobile application, applications that will be used to collect different kinds of statistics and Geospatial data. Geospatial data or geographic information is the data or information that classifies the geographic location of features and
boundaries on Earth. Statistics South Africa, Geographic location of features and boundaries is represented by Geospatial Information Frame (GIF) which is a frame that has Geo-points of all dwellings and other structures in South Africa, Geo- referenced master sample, Enumeration Areas (EA), Main-Place and sub-Place geographic layers. The Geographic data is used in Statistics South Africa to collect statistical information through different surveys (Continuous Population Survey, Citizen
Satisfactory Survey, Community Survey, Governance, Public Safety and Justice Survey, Census and Projects (Address assignment, Collaborative mapping, and Master sample EA and place names). All of this is done to achieve a vision of the organisation which is the South Africa I know, the home I understand.

Current Position: Association of Rural Advancement (AFRA)
Title of Talk: Adjudicating and Creating Local Land Records of Farm Dweller Rights In Kwazulu-Natal
ABSTRACT: The Association for Rural Advancement undertook an extensive survey of farm dweller land tenure arrangements in the uMgungundlovu District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal in 2017. Our purpose was twofold: to provide baseline information for planning in order to improve access to basic services and housing and secure tenure and, secondly, to generate land records for the surveyed households to improve their security of tenure by creating evidence that farm dwellers could use to defend their statutorily protected rights. My presentation will describe our experience and make some suggestions about how it might contribute to the broader question of land administration, including adjudication.

Current Position: Land Surveyor Lesotho, formerly Chief Surveyor of the Kingdom of Lesotho & JEAN DU PLESSIS, UN Habitat
Title of Talk: Lessons in Applying the STDM, Namibia
ABSTRACT: Implementation of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) in Namibia is an example of actualization of the continuum of land rights in improving tenure security. STDM is a pro-poor land recordation system developed by the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) partners, facilitated by UN-Habitat. The tool is being used in Namibia in anticipation of implementation of the Flexible Land Tenure Act of 2012 (FLTA). The FLTA provides opportunities for lower income groups to incrementally access
or improve tenure security.
The presentation covers the experiences of the community living in the Freedom Square Informal Settlement in Gobabis, Namibia, working towards improving their land rights and basic services. It captures relevant aspects of FLTA, roles of local NGO partners and Government stakeholders, community participation and validation as foundation for enhancing governance. The experiences are contextualised within the key principles of Fit for Purpose land administration, continuum of land rights, incremental approaches, and community involvement through participatory enumeration etc. The presentation also describes technical assistance provided to the Namibian government in support of piloting and rolling out of the Flexible Land Tenure System in Namibia.

Title of Talk: International Land Measurement Standards: Possibilites?

Statistics on global land issues are stark – 70% of land and property in the developing world is unregistered and outside of formal markets, 90% of residential and commercial property in Africa is untitled and land and property transactions are high on the global corruption index. Responsible governance of land is also at the core of resource management and sustainable extractive industries. At the very core of these multiple land issues is the lack of a consistent global and easily understood standard onland
transaction and a common understanding of the essential elements needed within that process.
‘Fit for Purpose’ is a key concept but not just for spatial measurement, it is also important that it is used for valuation/appraisal and land reporting. The object of the ILMS is to aid and de-risk the process of land investment and real property transfer. The pressure on land measurement systems, professional surveyors, land professional, registries and cadastres will only increase as crowdsourcing, use of drones, ‘Fit for Purpose’ concepts and lack of funding for national agencies becomes more widespread. Without a standardised, high level approach, the chances of land data and transaction chaos is very high.