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Name: Matthew Pennells

Current Position: Digital Transformation, Business Development Manager, Esri Global, WAMEA Region

Title of Talk: What is Smart Geo in the context of Government

Abstract: Whether it is the first or fourth industrial revolution, understanding technology is key. In a modern technology filled world there are often too many buzz words and latest hypes to allow simple and clear understanding of how technology can meet needs. GIS itself is an example of a three-letter acronym that we all know can be a powerful tool but is so often hard to explain. Esri seek to share local and international examples that seek to clear up the confusion about where geo fits in with the latest buzz words and more importantly how it closely fits in to delivering national plans.

In this presentation, the audience will hear about ‘smart’ what this really means for a city, for a country, for technology and for national development and economic growth. Esri will share a common approach with six pillars that seeks to structure all activities and ensure, technology, users and leaders all work towards common success.

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Name: Dr. Aida Opoku-Mensah

Current Position: Special Advisor SDGs/Agenda 2030 at UN Economic Commission for Africa.

Topic : Geospatial Information for implementing the SDGs in Africa.

Bio: Dr Opoku-Mensah is currently working for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as Special Advisor to the ECA Executive Secretary on SDGs/Agenda 2030, and her responsibilities includes the coordination of activities at the continental and global levels, working with key partners. She also has special responsibilities on coordinating activities on Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) and managing the High Level Panel on Migration in ECA. Her previous roles in the same organization were as Director, ICT, Science & Technology Division, where she managed ECA’s programme on Harnessing Information, Science and Technology for Africa’s Development, which included the Knowledge, Library and Information Services programme. As Director of that division, she specifically led and implemented impressive initiatives such as UNECA’s African Information Society Initiative (AISI) a continental digital agenda supporting African countries to develop and implement national ICT4D policies and strategies, Technology in Government in Africa Awards (TIGA) to encourage African Governments’ use of technology for development, and was one of the co-architects of the Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) – an initiative to encourage African innovators and inventors to enhance their roles in the African development process. She lectured at London’s City University on communication policy, among other assignments. She has a PhD from University of Leeds, MA from London’s City University and BA from the University of Ghana, and sits on a number international and regional advisory panels and boards.

Name: Arnaud Lezennec

Current Position: Senior Application Engineer: Trimble Geospatial Advanced Solutions – EMEA region

Title of Talk: The Changing Role of the Geospatial Professional – From Measuring to Managing

Abstract: Converging forces have placed geospatial information at the centre of an evolving ecosystem. The most significant of these forces being that of technology innovation. The speed, accuracy and ease with which geospatial data can be collected today is forcing a re-think of the role geospatial professionals need to play in order remain relevant. There is a definite shift from the collection of geospatial data to managing the application of geospatial information across the value chain/continuum of his/her industry or organization. Increasingly softer skills such as project management, data management and establishing context is called for. This presentation/keynote presents one approach in figuring out this role in a selected industry and dives deeper into the relevant technology innovation of Augmented Reality using it as an example in the role change model.

Presenter bio: Arnaud Lezennec has an Advanced Master in Geology from the Paris National Museum of Natural History. He started his professional career in 1997 with MENSI (manufacturer of 3D Scanning HW and SW in FRANCE) as a 3D Scanning Engineer. He then opened the MENSI Japan office in 2001. After the Trimble acquisition in 2003, he became the Applications Manager for the ROW area. in 2008, he moved to Trimble Colorado where he occupied several technical roles (sales & marketing). In 2013, he moved to Trimble Dubai and became the Regional Sales Manager for Africa. After moving back to Colorado in 2015, he decided to move back to his home country (France) at the end of 2016 and he is now Senior Application Engineer for the Geospatial Advanced Solutions team for the EMEA region.

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Name: Will Zhao

Current Position: General Manager, SuperMap International

Title of Talk: Integrating 2D and 3D Visualization and Analysis Seamlessly in GIS

Abstract: The presentation will focus on how to load, analyze and display both of traditional types of 3D data and new types of 3D data like BIM, oblique photogrammetry data, point cloud, etc. in GIS software. It also displays how 3D GIS supports emerging IT technologies like VR, 3D printing, etc., to bring a more vivid and convenient 3D experience. The presentation will also introduce the key technologies behind 3D GIS and how these technologies realized the integration of 2D & 3D, ground & underground, indoor & outdoor environment and macro & micro environment.

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Name: Philipp Amon

Current Position: Business Division Manager, Unmanned Laser Scanning

Title of Talk: Using LiDAR technology for Demanding Mapping Tasks

Abstract: The use of LiDAR technology in the highly demanding manned and unmanned airborne surveying market has considerably increased over the last few years. Traditional high altitude airborne mapping systems still play an important role for covering large areas and probably will do so in the future. In addition, new fields of unmanned mapping activities that first seemed exotic compared to established surveying techniques flooded the market. Today’s undisputable importance of the UAV surveying market and its future growth potential has motivated providers of UAVs and payload systems to offer optimized suitable solutions with perfectly matching application-specific requirements.
Especially for LiDAR, the UAV flight characteristics allow new perspectives and creation of extremely dense and uniform point clouds over an area of interest.
By comparing operating conditions, system efficiency, and pointing out selection criteria for choosing the right configuration for certain applications, an insight in latest state-of-the-art UAV-based LiDAR acquisition and the corresponding post-processing steps are given. Recent projects, data density and quality resulting from different system set-ups for typical use cases will be highlighted support the given recommendations.

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Name: Christoph De Preter

Current Position: Chief Sales Officer at Hexagon Geospatial

Title of Talk: Bridging the Divide from GIS to Real-Time Location Intelligence

Abstract: Locations are more than a point on a map – if fueled with dynamic data, they’re capable of delivering vast amounts of intelligence.

In fact, right now, terabytes of location information are being broadcast from everywhere: video is being streamed from space, and within industrial plants and cities, cars, people and other moving objects are capturing the dynamically changing world via sensors. Yet for many African GIS users, very little of this real-time data is being accessed to gain insight into what is happening now and what can happen in the future. This is about to radically change.

Bridging the divide between GIS and location intelligence can be accomplished through direct in-memory data access, native data connectors and a unified domain model. This leads us to a holistic 5D-approach to exploiting geospatial data, integrating real-time with information services, and providing situational awareness of what’s happening now, and more importantly what could be, should be, and ultimately, what will be. Join Christoph De Preter, Chief Sales Officer of Hexagon’s Geospatial division, on a journey to explore how organizations worldwide accelerate their digital maturity through Real-Time Location Intelligence.

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