Submission guidelines

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Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for presentersclick here to download the pdf

Presentation templateclick here to download the powerpoint file

Academic track guidelines

Prior to beginning the submission process the submitting author has to register and create a LoginID, password and check the box for ”Author”.

To submit the author has to log in. Please read the author guidelines carefully before writing and submitting the paper.

Please clearly indicate on the paper that the submission is for AfricaGEO 2018 and the topic under which the paper is being submitted under. The suggested format is: “AfricaGEO 2018: ‘Topic’” on the top line of the paper followed by the title of the paper, authors, etc. This is important to distinguish the conference paper from the normal journal submissions.

The publication of the papers submitted to the AfricaGEO conference is based on the quality and recommendations by the reviewers:

  • Papers fulfilling the standards and quality requirements of the SAJG will be selected for the special edition published for AfricaGEO 2018.
  • All other papers will be published on with an ISBN number.
  • Both the journal and conference proceeding are double blind reviewed according to the SAJG reviewing guidelines.
  • If, in the rare occurrence the reviewers are of opinion that the paper is not suited for the journal, the paper will be recommended for submission to the industry track of the conference for final review.

The submitted papers will be assessed on their originality, interest to geomatics and GIScience, and the likelihood of advancing the discipline. Submissions may be technical or creative, scientific or experiential, individual or institutional in scope and approach. The papers will be assessed on how well they demonstrate a clear goal of relevance to Geomatics and GIScience, use of systematic investigation or methods, completeness of results or recommendations, and significance of conclusions.

Industry track guidelines

Abstracts and papers will be assessed based on background, methodology, value proposition, challenges and benefits.
Attention should be given to the use of geospatial technologies and principles. Product abstracts and papers, or papers that clearly advertise a vendor’s solution, will be rejected.

Submit abstract

  • Create a log in account.
  • Confirm registration by following the link sent in a confirmation email to the submitting author
  • Log in at and click the ‘Add abstract’ button
  • You may edit and add additional authors after adding the abstract
  • Click the ‘Submit for review’ button when ready

Amend abstract

If the abstract submission requires amendments, the submitting author will be notified by email

  • Log in at and click on the abstract title
  • Read the reviewer’s comment
  • Click ‘Edit’ to amend the abstract and remember to save
  • Click ‘Resubmit for review’ in order to notify the reviewers that the amended abstract has been submitted

Submit paper for review

Click here to view the paper template as pdf and click here to download the MSWord template document.

Upload your paper

Once the abstract is accepted, the author may upload the full paper

  • Log in at and open abstract
  • Open accepted abstract by clicking on the abstract title in list of submission
  • Click on the Upload & Submit Paper button above the abstract
  • Select the document to upload and click Submit
  • Papers may be uploaded in MS Word only

Amend paper

If the paper submission requires amendments, the submitting author will be notified by email and he/she can then upload the revised paper

The steps to upload a revised paper:

  • Log in at and open abstract
  • Open accepted abstract by clicking on the abstract title in list of submission
  • Read reviewer comment
  • Make the necessary changes to the paper and outlining how you addressed each of the reviewer comments in a table at the bottom of the revised paper submission
  • Click on the Upload & Submit Paper button above the abstract
  • Select the document to upload and click Submit
  • Papers may be uploaded in MS Word only